Monday, 1 June 2009

A quick trip out to grab some new caches near home

After I'd finished logging Saturday's caches, it was such a lovely day again, it would have been rude not to go out and try and tick off some of the closest to home not-founds.

We started off with a quick cache in a lovely park near Wellington. We've been past the park loads of times in the past but not realised just how nice it was in the park as you can't quite see in from the road. The cache was a quick find, although I had to send Isaac creeping in for it behind a tree as a muggle fisherman was fishing on the other side of the tree.

Next, we went for a multi-cache around Wellington town center. This was based on plaques that had been put up at various interesting locations around the town. We had a great time wandering round collecting the information needed before going for an easy find on the final cache.

Isaac then directed me over towards Trench for another new cache we had not done. One our Cache Dispenser offspring used to be on the side of the lake here but is now archived. We'd done that one in the dark and not seen the lake at all, so it was great to do this cache properly and see what a lovely hidden spot this is. On the way back to the Jeep, we had to wait for a huge group of ducks to cross the path.

We then headed off down the M54 to Shrewsbury and up the A49 to Clive and the brand new Shropshire Church Gem cache there. These caches are usually pretty quick ones so we did not expect the longer walk we were about to do on this one. Not a problem, but had we known, I'd have taken some water with us as we both got pretty thirsty part way round and would have loved a drink.

The walk started off by a lovely church, which we assumed was the Church Gem we'd been brought to see. By stage 3 of the multi, we were brought to another, much bigger, church on the other side of the hill. This was the Church Gem and very nice it was too! A short walk later and we had the final cache in the bag and were heading off towards home.

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