Friday, 24 April 2009

2 FTF's today - one Earthcache and one Multi-Cache

I saw an Earthcache come out last night at Colemere, near Ellesmere up in Shropshire's lake country. Mrs Bolas Heathens was out so I could not dash out to find it there and then as I was looking after the children and it was getting late.

This morning, it was still unfound so off I set. It's always a really tricky area to get to as it's in the middle of nowhere and most roads from home that way are single track lanes. TomTom took me on an 'interesting' route via Whitchurch (I was expecting it to take me via Wem) but I got there eventually.

A nice walk down a deserted towpath and I was at GZ. The noticeboard was soon spotted and I took the necessary photo and gathered the details I needed to log the cache. I then took a few minutes to admire the great views over the mere, with nothing apart from birdsong for company. Fabulous!

Next, I'd seen a new cache at Trench Lock in Telford come out this morning and was not confident on a FTF as surely a local would have been by now. Not only that, it was right the other side of the country from where I was now. Nothing ventured, nothing gained though, so off I set.

Some time later I was parking up by the Blue Pig pub. A short walk down an old lane and I had a quick find of the first stage. I noted the details and put them into my GPSr. It showed about 0.2 miles away and in an area I was not sure how to get to.

I think I made it hard work to get to as I had to inch up the ledge round a high culvert before carrying on down some quite overgrown woodland tracks to GZ. The cache was a quick find and I was delighted to see a clean logbook :-).

On the way back I realised the culvert was not very deep so waded over in my waterproof walking boots. Much easier! As I was driving off, I spotted a really easy way over some fields to the final cache. If only I'd spotted that earlier, but then again, I would not have had as much fun getting there!

Now back home to get some work done!

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