Jeep Challenge cache muggled and a FTF
A local cacher contacted us late last week as they could not find our Jeep Challenge cache. After checking they had correctly solved the puzzle I gave some more hints about how to find the cache.
They went back and still could not find the cache. Hmmm ... it *should* be an easy find. I feared the worst and popped over yesterday afternoon to find the cache had indeed gone :-(. There was a brand new fence on both sides of the green lane the cache was hidden on and I suspect a farm worker has discovered the cache and taken it with them.
I have a few contacts in that area so will ask around and see if I can find out what happened to the cache but at this stage it does not look promising. In the meantime we've had to archive the cache as it's not an easy one to replace as we need 4 Jeep TB's, one of each of the colours to put in it.
Feeling thoroughly deflated, I returned home to see a brand new cache had just been published quite close to home. Tea was just about ready, so after eating I popped over to look for the new cache.
The cache was a nice quick find in the obvious place and I was FTF :-). It was by a new cache setter too - always good to see new people start to hide caches.