Monday, 23 February 2009

Wimping out...

We were hoping to try the Reelers Trail section of the Witton Weavers Way today but we only got back from NY yesterday and jet-lag finally caught up with us. By the time we had got up it was 11am and way too late to set off for Lancs.

Thankfully I had a Plan B, which was a new set of 12 caches on a circular walk near Wolverhampton. Some good logs are coming in on them so we were looking forward to trying them out.

We parked up to try and pick off the three remote ones that did not seem to be on the circular walk. After finding the first two, we were on our way back to the Jeep when we spotted some familiar faces coming the other way. It was Rosie's Rangers. Great to meet you all again.

We then re-positioned to a place we'd been to before for an old cache and a handy spot to start the circular walk. The weather was perfect with sunny skies and not much wind.

After making a meal of a closed footpath (we did not spot the sign in our still-sleepy state) we had a series of easy finds in some nice spots. The walk was really enjoyable, if not a little muddy in places.

We were soon back at the Jeep and there was just time for one more cache before I had to drop Isaac off at a friend's house on the way home. A return visit to Autherley Junction, where the Shroppie starts it's journey northwards ensued, where we had an easy find.

When I was logging the finds later in the evening, I realised there were 4 more caches added to the series during the week - we'd totally missed them as we were away and with our eye off the ball - doh!.

It bugged me all weekend, so this morning after I had done all the urgent things in the office, I popped out to find the missing caches. All nice quick ones, with some great views over towards the South Shropshire hills.

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