Monday, 5 January 2009

Caching around Wrexham and Chester

On Saturday we thought it was high time for a return visit to the Wrexham area as there are lots of new caches to find there since our last visit.

We took the scenic route there, taking in our three nearest to home not founds: a fun cache on the old Prees branch of the Llangollen Canal, followed by two caches right on the border of England and Wales. The latter two were called "Peculiar Border Crossing" 1 and 2 - we still do not have a clue what was so peculiar about them as they both looked very normal to us!

We then started on the Marches Enigma series near Wrexham Industrial Estate with a longer walk than normal. Really interesting though as there were lots of what looked like old WW2 buildings in the fields on the way.

Next was the new caches round Erddig Park. We got the bikes out for these as the paths looked very much bike-able. Sure enough they were and we had a fun hour or so zooming around the area picking up caches. The best was one where we had to ford a stream to get to the cache.

It was then into the centre of Wrexham for more caches. The first one was another Enigma cache and we arrived to see some people who just had to be cachers struggling to find the cache. They were from Sweden and visiting friend in Wrexham. We ended up using a PAF to get the tricky find.

A bit later, we did a fun Puzzle cache which was actually at the stated co-ords but the puzzle was how to get at the cache. The answer is "very easily" as something was broken in the cache and so the puzzle did not work. I bet it's a cracker when it works though.

One more Enigma cache on the way up to Chester, which we were expecting to be a tricky find after reading some of the logs. Luck was on our side and we put our hands straight on it.

On the way from the last one to the Sughall area, TomTom took us right past the final location of a Puzzle cache we'd solved during the week so as it was quiet, we stopped right by it and hopped out for a very easy find. We were not expecting to be in the centre of Chester today so this one was an added bonus :-).

A few more caches later, we ended up near Saughall in the dark, but were aware there were 5 cycle route caches so we could not resist. We set off down the cycle path in the dark and our night vision soon came, so we could ride without any lights. Really good fun when this happens.

The caches were mainly Team Marzipan ones so we were expecting some tricky finds, but they all turned out to be easy enough. After a final cache at Hawarden Bridge, we decided to call it a day and head for home.

30 caches finds and some fun and different caches over the day.

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